We PlainERP
PlainERP is a SaaS ERP, which always tries to simplify the human efforts in Accounting and ERP. Processing of manual data is really complicated and time consuming. With help of our PlainERP Software, we are trying to reduce the manual works and make it efficient in results.
We have over 7+ years of experience in Taxation, Accounting and Advisory. PlainERP is an accounting software which gives businesses the tools to take care of their Taxation, Accounting & Advisory services in real time. PlainERP software with all the time-saving tools you need to grow your business.
Increase conversion rates
Optimize inventory levels
Improve customer retention

Build for Companies, Built with Company requirements
from valuable effective management of data and compliance thereof.
Access Anywhere
Access the system anywhere and only browser is needed to check it.
Data Safe
Your data stored in cloud with our secured Servers. Regular backups saved upto 60 days data.
Time & Money Save
With TamilAccounting, You can save money for implementing erp and save time with easy company setup.
Best Support
Software without Support is not a good product. So we always give first priority for the support.
Client Logos

Developer Team
Self Motivated
Developers are always focus to improve the system to make it better than what we have, Regular updates are everyday comes to live.
Planning & Schdeuling
Our developers are always plan some new features and scheduled to finish it on time and bring it to live.
Kind to Support
They take the first priority with custom features and bugfixes, both data level and program level.
Do you want to be partnered with us ?
create your own brand software reselling with us.