Purchase Order with detailed Item information

Purchase Orders

Create Purchase orders(PO) and Pass it to your supplier to get goods in right time. As you need to prepare detailed PO with Expected delivery date and necessary items with its quantity.


  • Orders
  • Deliveries
  • Invoices
  • Payments
  • Credit Notes
  • Requisitions


Purchase Order created with New->Purchase Order form. There you are going to feed the information of supplier, and expected delivery date, Goods/Service which you need to get, and ofcourse the details of payment.
You can do Prepayment with help of Order. Or you can do the payment after the invoice.
  • GRN - From Order you can make GRN to mark the received stocks/services from it.
  • PrePayment - Prepayment or Downpayment can be made with it.

Purchase Delivery (GRN)

While the Supplier Delivered the Goods. You need to prepare the GRN from Order. You can also do the Direct GRN from the new form. If you are receiving items along with Batch/Serial Numbers, Expiry/Warranty Date, You can input and save the GRN along with these information.
GRN Also updates your Received Items Standard cost and Purchase cost from the Supplier. Suppose if you have Landed cost add-on, you can able to input additional shipping cost to get your standard cost updated.

Purchase Invoice

PI comes with either delayed payment or immediate payment. You can perform Tax included or excluded Invoice.
With Direct Expense form you can create Service expenses in the purchase. Also You can use Quick entries to speed up the expense recording. With status of

Supplier Payments

For each Invoice, we have to get payment from the customer. Either it can be one payment for multiple invoice or multiple payment for a single invoice
Payment Allocations

Supplier Credit Note

You can make Both Direct Delivery or Delivery from Sales order is possible. Until this transaction type, you can able to delete it. But the delivery makes Journal entry. So you can able to void it instead of deleting it.

From Delivery if your products has Batch and Expiry dates, you can choose it before make the delivery. And from Delivery you can proceed making the Invoice for the delivered quantities
Multiple invoices are also possible from one Delivery. Delivery can also make the Journal entry for inventory account.


For each Invoice, we have to get payment from the customer. Either it can be one payment for multiple invoice or multiple payment for a single invoice
Create Reorder levels with inventory location.

Automatic Reorder level to Requisition entry.

Generate Purchse order from Requisition


Finally there are some Purchase reports to help you with purchase predictions

All in One page

With multiple Tabs, the System designed to handle all your Sales activity in one page. It will be easier for you to navigate and access it.

Multiple Transaction View

You can open Multiple transactions and also connected transactions from one to its connected transactions


Files and Support documents can be attached with it from all its view popup.